Why did I become a photographer?
There's a few of reasons why I became a photographer.
Reason #1: The right time
After finishing my post secondary education, I was working as a store manager for an independent camera retail and photographic print shop in Peterborough, Ontario. (Shout out to the Peterborough Photo Service team!) While working there, I started learning about the world of photography and I was hooked! I basically became a sponge trying to soak in everything I could. Working in camera sales and photographic printing gave me such a wonderful knowledge base to learn everything!
After a short while I began taking on shoots for the store and getting more experience working with people in family photos and couples shoots. I also was able to begin second shooting some weddings. I was MIND BLOWN at how much fun I had with it! I NEVER thought I would be working in a creative field for my job! (My Environmental Studies and Spanish degree are thrilled haha!) After my partner got a new job, we said our goodbyes to Peterborough, packed up 'the Boys' - what we call our cats, and started a new life in Barrie. I didn't want to put my camera down and I wanted to keep utilizing the skills I had developed (see what I did there?) so I decided to keeping shooting as much as I could but do it under my own name! And so Becky Plant Photography was born!
Reason #2: Wanting my own family photo collection
As I became more familiar with my camera and working with families I found myself constantly taking photos of my own family and wanting to capture EVERYTHING! As my family grew to include nieces and nephews I became more appreciative of having these tiny snippets of life captured. I remembered my mums massive rubbermaid bin of old Kodak envelopes and film negatives that documented the lives of my family as my siblings and I grew up, and so I wanted to start a collection of my own. So I not only started taking pictures but also printing all of them too. I started sending photo packages of prints to family for Christmas every year and saw how much it meant to have these special moments.
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
Reason #3 (THE BIG ONE): The power of imagery
I'm obsessed by the power of photographs! I love that these are things that people cling to for years to remember people, and places, and experiences in their lives. I am obsessed with old vintage black and white photos showing life from the 1920’s and 30’s and all I can think is - these could be my photos in the future! Someone will one day go through my clients pictures and think ‘wow! life was so different back then!’ I follow a bunch of instagram accounts where they show old photos from decades long gone by and it’s such a wonderful glimpse into the world that was. There’s photographs I have of grandparents I never knew on their wedding day and I cherish these pictures so much. I'm so unbelievably humbled at the thought that someday one of my brides will be a grandmother and her grandchild will cherish the picture of Grandma & Grandpa on their wedding day. I’m mind blown that the power of imagery can move someone to tears. It’s THIS reason; above ALL others; that I am a photographer.